Anti-ZYDism Increases in Poland,Europe & World
(too old to reply)
Nomen Nescio
2009-10-11 23:42:02 UTC
Convicted felon Steve Horn < ***@earthlink.com >
wants all to know:

See also: http://polishdefenseleague.com/#katyn

From: "Alexander Sharon" <***@shaw.ca>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.polish
Subject: Rise in anti-Semitism all over Europe
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 17:55:31 -0700


February 16, 2009

The writing is on the synagogue wall

World depressions lead to a rise in anti-Semitism. All over Europe, the evidence
is around us - Denis MacShane

The periodic crises that have shaken world capitalism in the century and a half
since Marx wrote Das Kapital are marked by a common political phenomenon. It is
the rise of political anti-Semitism. Attacks on Jews and Jewishness constitute
the canary in the coal mine that tells us something is going seriously wrong.

Last month a 32-year-old IT worker, Michael Booksatz, was beaten up in the
streets of north London by two hooded men shouting about Palestinians.

Jewish students at the London School of Economics - home to many brilliant Jews
who fled Hitler's Germany - are now frightened by anti-Jewish abuse from
Islamist students. Graffiti such as "Kill the Jews" or "Jihad 4 Israel" appear
close to synagogues in London.

The Metropolitan Police report four times as many anti-Jewish incidents in
recent weeks as Islamaphobic events.

The respected Community Security Trust, which records anti-Jewish attacks with
scrupulous rigour, reports as many attacks on Jews - verbal, vandalism and some
violent - in the first weeks of 2009 as in the first six months of last year.

As the world enters a new era of crisis, anti-Semitism is back. History, as
ever, begins to repeat itself.

The slumps and stock market fever expressed in Zola's novel, L'Argent, or the
populist anger against Wall Street at the end of the 19th century gave rise to
the virulent anti-Semitic politics witnessed in France in connection with the
Dreyfus case or the takeover of Vienna by openly anti-Semitic politicians.

The Great Depression gave rise to the worst expressions of
anti-Semitism ever seen, namely the politics that led to the Holocaust. But even
in Britain the Duke of Wellington of the time was leader of a secret anti-Jewish
organisation which had the initials PJ - Perish Judah - on its letterhead.

The economic crises of the 1970s led to a marked increase in the vote for the
National Front in Britain and the openly anti-Semitic BNP, its
successor extreme party, is doing very well in local elections - below the radar
of the national opinion polls.

The distress and upset over the terrible pictures of children killed in Israel's
attacks on Hamas in Gaza have allowed anti-Israeli feelings to be more violently
and vehemently expressed than ever before.

Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitic. But all anti-Semites hate the
existence of a Jewish state and hiding behind code words such as
anti-Zionism increases the density and viciousness of their anti-Jewish

In Italy, the streets of Milan are daubed with slogans urging Italians not to
buy goods at Jewish shops - an echo of the Nazi slogan "Kauft Nicht Bei Juden".

In Germany, radio phone-ins are full of accusations that the bankers
accused of being responsible for the current economic crisis are Jews.
In anti-Israel demonstrations in Berlin, placards stating "It was a good idea to
use gas" or "I'm anti-Semitic and that's a good thing" were carried. Thus every
Jew is made to feel as if they do not fully belong in the countries where they
were born or the societies that they participate in.

Terrible massacres of Muslims have taken place in different parts of
the world so far this century, from Kashmir to Gujarat.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, Nato soldiers are accused of brutality but
the men with the most blood on their hands of fellow Muslims have been
Islamist ideologues. Yet there is no outrage against the perpetrators of those
attacks compared with the onslaught on Israel and on Jews.

Is it unreasonable to argue that the reason that there is worldwide anger
against Israel but not against other regimes or religions that carry out
massacres of Muslims is because the Israelis are Jews?

Has legitimate criticism and anger against Israel allowed Jew hate to
become almost acceptable politics again?

Add to this a world economic crisis in which it is so easy to point at the names
of the swindlers and banksters that happen to be Jewish, and a new perfect storm
of anti-Semitism begins to take shape.

Today in London a conference of parliamentarians from different
legislatures in Europe and around the world will gather to discuss what can be

Michael Gove, for the Conservatives, will join Labour Cabinet ministers Hazel
Blears and Jim Murphy in saying it is time for the Parliaments of the
democractic world to take action against anti-Semitism - especially Islamist
attacks against young Jewish students on university campuses.

The Pope embraces a Holocaust-denying Winchester and Cambridge-educated bishop;

Slogans such as "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas" are chanted in

Jews are again made to feel they are not full citizens of the
countries of their birth because they refuse to support the right of Hamas and
Hezbollah to use terror attacks against Israeli civilians.

The canary in the coal mine seems in danger of its life once again.

Denis MacShane, MP, is a former Minister for Europe and the author of
Globalising Hatred: the New Anti-Semitism (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)

Anti-Semitism floods Internet after Madoff scandal: campaigners
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 07:55:19 -0700
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 05:16:45 -0800 (PST),
Pig <cochon-***@hotmail.com> wrote:

Anti-Jewish commentary is flooding the Internet in the wake of
Bernard Madoff's arrest on charges of masterminding one of the biggest
Wall Street frauds in history, campaigners said Friday.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said there had been "an outpouring of
anti-Semitic comments on mainstream and extremist Web sites."

Madoff, 70, is Jewish and a prominent member of the powerful US Jewish
community. He is alleged to have defrauded investors, including a
number of Jewish-related charities, of some 50 billion dollars.

"Site users have posted comments ranging from deeply offensive
stereotypical statements about Jews and money -- with some suggesting
that only Jews could perpetrate a fraud on such a scale -- to
conspiracy theories about Jews stealing money to benefit Israel," the
ADL said in a statement.

"Jews are always a convenient scapegoat in times of crisis, but the
Madoff scandal and the fact that so many of the defrauded investors
are Jewish has created a perfect storm for the anti-Semites," said
Abraham Foxman, ADL national director.

"Nowadays, the first place Jew-haters will go is to the Internet,
where they can give voice to their hateful ideas without fear of

Subject: Some call it Anti-Semitism. Others call it The Writing on the Wall.
List-Id: Ingrid <zgrams.zgrams.zundelsite.org>

Some call it Anti-Semitism. Others call it The Writing on the Wall.

Take a look!

41 % Europeans (74% of Spaniards and 67% of Hungarians) say Jews are
behind the [economic] Crisis
Europe blames Jews for crisis
February 12, 2009, 20:37

The global economic crisis has made anti-Semitism flourish in Europe,
according to a recent study. One-third of Europeans place full
responsibility for the new Great Depression on the international Jewish
community and 40% would not mind if Jewish businessmen
move out from working in global financial markets.

The world is just preparing to embrace the global meltdown that has been
knocking loudly at our doors for the last half year, while Europeans already
know who brought it to our homes. Liberal values and tolerance that used to be
proclaimed as the cornerstones of Europe's prosperity are now vanishing with
increasing speed as the crisis skins EU citizens alive.

Recently the Taylor Nelson Sofres agency conducted a sociological study in 7
European countries for the American Anti-Defamation League (ADL) which
discovered interesting findings. 3500 people (500 representatives from each
country ) from Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland and
Spain shared their views on who's to blame for the crunch of the world's

31% of Europeans are sure that Jews made the crisis possible and 41% agree that
Jews have excessive power on the world's financial markets (74% of Spaniards and
67% of Hungarians support this point of view).

The survey found that so-called "business anti-Semitism" has grown by 5% in
France, 6% in Poland and 7% in Hungary since 2007.

Only Britain can boast of a decrease in xenophobic and anti-Semitic moods, while
the other six countries maintain this trend or have witnessed an escalation of
ethnic enmity.

Anti-Semitic stereotypes are nothing new for Europe, but what strikes the most
is that the meltdown has not entered its worse phase so far, which automatically
means that xenophobic sentiments will grow even stronger.

Here's an example: according to the same survey: 44% of Europeans believe it is
"probably true" that Jews talk too much about Holocaust.


ADL Leader: Gaza War Unleashed 'Pandemic Of Anti-Semitism'

New York, NY, February 12, 2009 Š Israel's operation to defend itself from Hamas
rocket attacks "opened the floodgates" of anti-Semitism, with Jewish communities
in Europe and Latin America feeling especially vulnerable, the head of the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said in an address last week.

No one imagined that the war in Gaza "would so explode in an epidemic, a
pandemic of anti-Semitism," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, who
described global fallout from the Gaza crisis as the biggest threat to the
safety and well-being of Diaspora Jewry in decades.

"This is the worst, the most intense, the most global that it's been in most of
our memories," Mr. Foxman said, "and the effort to get the good people to stand
up is not easy. All of a sudden, as if the floodgates had been opened, within
days an open season had been declared on world Jewry.

"I challenge you to find a country in the world from Austria to Zimbabwe that is
immune, that is not experiencing this recurring, returning, more virulent, more
vicious, more violent virus called anti-Semitism," Mr. Foxman said.

His remarks capped a series of presentations on global anti-Semitism and Israel
, bringing together leaders from across the country for ADL's National Executive
Committee Meeting, February 5-7 in Palm Beach, Florida .

Mr. Foxman said the incidents that took place globally during the three weeks of
fighting in Gaza included synagogue firebombings, anti-Semitic banners and
graffiti, and cartoons and articles in Arab newspapers accusing Israelis and
Jews of committing a "Holocaust" and comparing Jews to Nazis.

"In every country, in every community, I can read the names of cities that
should conjure up in your mind art, literature, history," Mr. Foxman said.
"Every city on the globe has seen these epithets of 'Israelis and Jews are
Nazis' are forthright. The Warsaw Ghetto and Auschwitz have become epithets.
For what? Israel exercising its right to defend its children, its women, its

At the ADL meeting, Richard Prasquier, President of CRIF, the umbrella body of
French Jewish organizations, described the demonstrations,
violence and anti-Semitic attacks that broke out across France after
Israel launched its Gaza operation December 27. ADL leaders also heard a report
on the situation facing Argentinean Jews from Aldo Donzis, President of the
DAIA, the central organization of Argentinean Jews.

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Gabriela Shalev, described
Israel 's efforts to mitigate civilian casualties in Gaza while taking action
against Hamas operation centers, smuggling tunnels and rocket
factories. "Before the Gaza operation, terrorist groups fired rockets at Israeli
civilians and Israel restrained itself," Ambassador Shalev said.
"Hamas embedded themselves into the civilian population believing that this
would grant them protection. It did not, and it cannot."

EDITORS NOTE: Mr. Foxman's speech may be viewed on League's Web site at
<http://www.adl.org/speech>www.adl.org/speech in video format, or accessed as a
downloadable Podcast.

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And here is my address as promised, so call or visit, days or nights:
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yitzhak in eretz isreal (sic)
2009-10-11 23:48:17 UTC
Kenneth McVay OBC
2009-10-12 05:21:28 UTC
In article <***@dizum.com>,
Nomen Nescio <***@dizum.com> wrote:

Updated Grosvenor Legal Documents & Extortion conviction:

Grosvenor's latest legal challenge:

Ontario Superior Court of Justice, October 21, 2008
For two years, Edmonton resident William Grosvenor engaged in a
virtual campaign of terror against Ottawa human rights lawyer
Richard Warman. Grosvenor bombarded the Internet with calls to
murder Warman while providing his home address, and links to
pictures of him and Google maps on how to get to his home.
Combined with this were hundreds of online postings attempting to
destroy Warman's personal and professional reputation.

Now a judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice has granted
an injunction to put an end to it and has awarded Warman $50,000
in damages for defamation and assault, the latter stemming from
Grosvenor's death threats and incitement to violence. These
threats of violence repeatedly called for Warman's murder,
described him as a "Dead Jew walking", and said: "I AM GOD AND I
WARMAN?." [sic]

In her decision issued 20 October 2008, Justice Lynn Ratushny
found that despite Grosvenor having filed papers saying he
intended to defend the civil suit, he never did and was thus
deemed to have admitted the allegations against him. Instead of
defending the action, the day after being served with the
statement of claim on 15 Jan. 2008 , Grosvenor began sending
waves of emails to Warman's personal email address repeating his
online threats and libel.

Justice Ratushny described Grosvenor's defamatory postings as
"vicious, profane and extreme". She found they were made
dishonestly and in knowing or reckless disregard for the truth,
and said it amounted to "highly reprehensible misconduct". sHe
went on to note the level of hatred and anger contained in
Grosvenor's threats. Justice Ratushny said Grosvenor's efforts to
target Warman for violence, including repeatedly providing his
home address during a two-year period, took them beyond empty
threats and meant they had to be taken seriously.

Warman is an Ottawa lawyer who has successfully filed and
litigated 14 cases against members of the white supremacist and
neo-Nazi movements under the Canadian Human Rights Act provisions
prohibiting the spreading of hate propaganda through the

Responding to the decision, Warman said "I'm hugely relieved that
the injunction has been granted and hope this will bring an end
to this two-year long nightmare." He continued, "I wish I had
never heard of William Grosvenor, but if someone is going to
encourage people to kill me then I'm going to see what I can do
to stop them."

The terms of the injunction granted by Justice Ratushny at
paragraph 92 of her judgement reference the submissions of the
plaintiff at subparas. 119(c-f). These sub-paragraphs require
Grosvenor to issue a complete retraction of the defamatory
comments; take all reasonable steps to remove them and his
threats from the Internet; prohibit him from publishing further
defamatory material or incitement to violence; and also from
contacting or communicating with Warman in any way.

The specific terms are:

119(c) granting a mandatory injunction requiring the Defendant
Mr. Grosvenor to make a complete public retraction of the
defamatory comments;

119(d) granting a mandatory injunction requiring Mr. Grosvenor to
make all reasonable efforts to remove from the internet, the
entirety of any and all of the internet postings that he has
published or caused to be published, and which are defamatory to
the Plaintiff, and/or which invade the Plaintiff's privacy and/or
which threaten to harm or kill the Plaintiff and/or contain
invitations and encouragements to harm or kill the Plaintiff,
whether by using the Plaintiff's name, nick-name, address,
photograph or other means of identity;

119(e) granting a permanent injunction restraining the Defendant
Mr. Grosvenor, and/or any other persons acting for the Defendant,
from publishing, causing to be published, posting, or reposting
on the internet or by any other method or medium, either in Mr.
Grosvenor's own name, under any nick-name, pseudonym or aliases
that he now uses, has used, or may use in the future, any words
which are defamatory to the Plaintiff, and/or which invade the
Plaintiff's privacy and/or which threaten to harm or kill the
Plaintiff and/or contain invitations and encouragements to harm
or kill the Plaintiff, whether by using the Plaintiff's name,
nick-name, address, photograph or other means of identity; and
prohibiting Mr. Grosvenor from publishing or causing to be
published any such words about Mr. Warman, anonymously, or in the
name of another person;

199(f) restraining Mr. Grosvenor from contacting or communicating
directly or indirectly with Mr. Warman, in any way or by any
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