Holocaust Calendar: January 19
(too old to reply)
2006-01-19 05:05:02 UTC
[Follow-ups set]

January 19


Gerhart Riegner, the World Jewish Congress (WJC)
representative in Geneva, in a cable to the WJC leaders in
the United States and Britain, dispatched via the American
legation in Bern, reports that 6,000 Jews are being killed
daily at a single location in Poland, that Vienna has been
virtually emptied of Jews, and that 60,000 of the 130,000
Romanian Jews deported to the Transnistria region in the
occupied Ukraine in 1941 have since perished. (USHMM, 1993. Pg. 20)


From Compiegne concentration camp in France, 1,940 French
and Italian prisoners arrive at Buchenwald concentration
camp. The group includes the first Italian Communist
prisoners to be brought to Buchenwald. (USHMM, 1994. Pg. 25)


The Lodz ghetto is liberated by the Red Army; about 800
inmates (of an estimated 164,000) survived. (LeBor, 21)

Work Cited

LeBor, Adam. Hitler's Secret Bankers: The Myth of Swiss
Neutrality During the Holocaust. Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Publishing Group, 1997.

USHMM (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Fifty
Years Ago: Revolt Amid the Darkness: Days of Remembrance,
April 18-25, 1993. Washington, D.C.: 1993

USHMM (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Fifty
Years Ago: Darkness Before Dawn: Days of Remembrance, April
3-10, 1994. Washington, D.C.: 1994
The Nizkor Project - An electronic Holocaust educational resource
David Irving vrs. Deborah Lipstadt & Penguin Books Ltd: Judgment
pan Piotr Glownia
2006-01-25 08:15:15 UTC
ANTISEMITES are KILLERS OF SLAVS. Pravda. We Slavs will be killing you

Poland will kill you Anti-Semites. Poland will dislocate you
Anti-Semites. War between you Anti-Semites and Poland is unavoidable. It is
1000 years old neccesity and just a matter of time like the Adolf Hitler
himself confessed.
Polska zabije was Antysemitow. Polska usunie was Antysemitow.
Wojna miedzy wami Antysemitami a Polska jest nie do unikniecia. To 1000 lat
stara koniecznosc i ledwie kwestia czasu tak jak Adolf Hitler sam sie
Poland for Polish Slavs!!! Not for aryan bastards Antisemites!
Anti-Semites are mass murderers of us Slavs. More then twice more
killed Slavs then Jews in XX century:


Brothers Slavs don't forget the greatest killers of our ethnic
group the other Europeans: the anti-semites!
The Pravda must be told & remembered!

Piotr Glownia, szlachcic polski koronny
Wolnosc, Samowystarczalnosc, Ksenofobia i Szlachta = Polska Niepodlegla zyje!
Jedyni Slowianie Polski to Szlachta i Slazacy = okolo 25% mieszkancow Polski.
Polacy to nie Niemcy. W Polsce Antysemici to CUDZOZIEMCY. Polska to nie Niemcy.
Wy parszywi CUDZOZIEMCY nawlezli do Polski ostatnimi 200 laty na pohybel wam!