ZYDS/Juden Going After YouTube! Video Jud Jud Available+Der ewige Jud - Repost
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Francisco Arturo
2007-09-10 15:18:20 UTC
Subject: ZYDS/Juden Going After YouTube! Video Jud Jud Available+Der ewige Jud

On Sun, 26 Aug 2007 22:53:18 -0400, in alt.revisionism ""
<***@> wrote:

Germany's Central Council of Jews is considering a criminal complaint against
YouTube for allowing videos that promote racial hatred and glorify war, it was
reported Sunday.

Such action makes the video-sharing website liable to charges of incitement to
racial hatred, the council's vice president, Salomon Korn, told the German
television program Report Mainz.

"I expect the prosecutor's office, other relevant authorities and, if
necessary, the German government to take action against this," Korn was quoted
as saying in the program due to be aired Monday.


To see the video Jud Jud, go to:

For the film Der ewige Jude = The Eternal Jew/ZYD
It is still here at:
as well as at a few other sites, so enjoy seeing this documentary.

For the real TRUTH about ZHIDS, visit the world top-rated website

Now with more evidence coming out proving ZHID COLLABORATION
WITH NAZIS - another 51 cases besides the renowned Kastner case -
no wonder people around the world are really disliking the
Christkiller ZHIDS!!

Or, other useful websites include:
ZUNDELSITE - www.zundelsite.org
IHR - www.ihr.org
Stormfront - http://www.stormfront.org
OSTARA - www.ostara.org
PAMYAT - http://abbc.com/pamyat/index.html
Edgar J.Steele - www.ConspiracyPenPal.com
AL JAZEERA - http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage
THE HOFFMAN WIRE - Dedicated to Freedom of the Press,
Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History
Subscribe: HoffmanWire-***@topica.com
Yggdrasil's White Nationalist Library - http://www.ddc.net/ygg
American Renaissance - http://www.amren.com
Campaign for Radical Truth in History - http://www.hoffman-info.com

Or, visit the website for NATIONAL ALLIANCE : http://www.natall.com
They have lots of information, as well as books and records.

Reply-To: Frank Arthur <***@Arthurian.com>,
or to Steve Horn <***@breakthru.com>,
***@mac.hush.com, or ***@gmail.com
Feel free to subscribe us to maillists for sex,
homosexuals and the like.
Matthias Kern
2007-09-10 16:57:39 UTC
Francisco Arturo <***@usenetexchange.com> schrieb:

[x] you passed the idiots test by posting in six newsgroups, please
follow up to alt.idiots.
